dimanche 1 décembre 2013

I introduce me to all my Nazarene-Messianic Israelites brothers and sisters in anglo-saxon world.

I'm a French woman who believe in the Torah and Yehoshoua-Yeshoua.
I came from the nations and by my faith in Yehoshoua-Yeshua, i grafted to his people, Israel, so i'm an Israelite woman and my parents and i, we know that we need to follow the Torah with Appointments of YHWH our Elohim like Yehoshoua-Yeshua said. My username on internet is Ruth.

I working for YHWH on internet, you can visit and see my French Forum bellow :

many people in the French world need and are thirsty about the Torah and Yehoshoua-Yeshua.
A revival is coming in the world.

And also, you can visit my French youtube channel :

and my page google+

I know some ministries on internet who teach and follow the Torah of YHWH our Elohim and the Faith of Yehoshoua-Yeshua. But if i made this blog, it's because i know also, there are many divisions about the True Calendar that we need to follow to obey our Lord and Savior. And these divisions are badly for the body of Machia'h.

I want to share this study with all my brothers and sisters in the Faith of the Torah and Yehoshoua-Yeshua and with all ministry for the Torah and Yehoshoua-Yeshua below, because i know that all ministries need to follow the True Calendar and teach the True Calendar for the people, because the people need to be ready for the return of our Savior in the True Obediance.

If i share this study, this is not by pride over my brothers and sister above, but this is by Love of YHWH and theTruth and by Love of all of them, by Love of all our brothers and sisters. We need each other to grow in sanctification. So please, consider carefully what I will share all.

Firstly, we need to understand why in the long time, the people is lost about the True Calendar?
The answer is simply because we didn't all the texts in our Biblical canon.

So, you say why? Yes, i confirm that we didn't have all books in our Bible.

In fact, when we read the 5 Holy Books of the Torah, we remark one important thing, nowhere, we have a clear explanation about the Calendar that we need to follow. We have just few verses in the other books of the Tena'k-Bible about the moon but not in the 5 Books of the Torah and i know many brothers and sisters above that they use these verses to etablish their calendar. But in reality, all divisions are derived that these few verses who are very abstract and can be interpreted differently. But YHWH hasn't left us in the abstract and blurred to follow his appointments. YHWH left us two others books, the Book of the Just Henok-Enoch anc the Book of Jubilee who are very accurate.

Then, you say, how she can believe in the books which aren't in the Protestant Biblical Canon?

Well, start with the Book of Henok-Enoch

Torah-Bereshith-Genesis 5:21-24
"And Enoch lived sixty and five years, and begat Methuselah:

Brit 'Hadasha-Renew Covenant-Hebrew 11:5

Torah-Bereshith-Genesis 6:4